Saturday, October 24, 2020

Timeline for Spring 2021 Book Selection

I've heard back from quite a few of you and feel ok about moving forward with our book selection process. Thank you for all your positive comments! Doing this lets me keep some of my librarian skills in practice:)

Below is the timeline I've come up with, based on what we did last time. At the suggestion of more than one person, I've added a potential Zoom session on Tuesday the 17th.

The timeline shows title submissions from October 26 to November 10, but there's no reason we can't start submitting early. Remember, I need the title and author at a minimum, and add anything else you'd like to. I'll keep a running list of submissions linked to the blog -- just the raw information people send. I'll pull images, summaries, and availability in local libraries and online prices for the slide show. My job isn't difficult, but I need titles by the deadline.

Submit titles - 16 days >>> Oct 26 - Nov 10
Creation of slide show - 3 days >>> Nov 11-13
Comment window open - 7 days >>> Nov 14-21 -- perhaps a Zoom session on Tuesday the 17th?
Comments added to slide show / Creation of ballot & cheat sheet - 3 days >>> Nov 22-24
Voting window open - 9 days >>> Nov 25-Dec 5
Tally of votes & announcement - 2 days >>> Dec 7

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 2020

 October 13, 2020, at 7:30pm

We need to discuss our next round of book selections.  

Gene, Everywhere by Talya Tate Boerner

Talya will lead the discussion