Sunday, June 12, 2022

Our Newest Book List!

Women of Literatae,  

Voting is finished and we have a new slate of books!  Lots of folks voted and it was a tight race.  As always, I'll add the Long List to the link at the top right of the website, so you can check out nominated titles that didn't make the short list. 

Since we're meeting on Tuesday, let's decide the order for reading the books together.  If you want to sign up to host or provide dessert ahead of time, here's the grid.  I'll print it out Tuesday afternoon and we can finish filling it in at our meeting.  Hope to see you then!

The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz

The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray.

White River Red by Becky Marietta

This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger

West With Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge

Miss Benson’s Beetle by Rachel Joyce. 

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Everything You Need to Vote

Women of Literatae,

Thank you so much for getting your title recommendations in! We wound up with 14 titles this cycle.  A nice number to choose from.

You're getting a few extra days to vote.  I have all of this ready a few days early, as I have Covid (again) and have been confined to my house with lots of time to work on the slideshow and other documents.  Hope you all stay well!

Here's what I've put together for you. Votes are due by online ballot by midnight on June 11. Fill in the Volunteer Grid as you see fit. If you have any problems with any of the links, please let me know so I can adjust settings.

The slide show of Spring 2022 Nominees is now available. See all the titles, book jackets, publisher summaries, comments from nominators, and Fayetteville Public Library, Washington County Library System, and Amazon availability. They are divided into a Fiction and a Biography, Memoir, & Nonfiction section. In an attempt to present them objectively, I arranged them by author.
You may need to click the present button in the upper right corner to view the presentation. Then use the enter key or click your mouse to step through the slides. If you want to return to an earlier slide, use the left arrow key to go back. The escape key will get you out of the presentation at any time.

Scratch Paper Ballot: If you're like me, you need to decide on paper before voting on an electronic ballot. Print this ballot for a list of titles in the same order as the slideshow. To fill out the online ballot, you will need to rank your six choices 1-6, with 1 being your top pick and 6 your bottom pick.

Online Ballot: Once you have decided on your six choices and ranked them 1-6, use this online ballot to vote. Remember that you will not rank titles other than the six you have selected. I've included ranking of the titles so that in the event of a tie, we will not have to have a run-off.

Volunteer Grid: Sign up for house, reviewer, and dessert. Of course, all of this is subject to the course of Covid19.

Happy voting!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

June 2022

Tuesday, June 14 at 4pm at Leigh's house.

Trudy will review The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

Paula will provide dessert.