Tuesday, December 31, 1985


12.1985: Breakfast Club (Movie)
11.1985: cancelled
10.1985: Danielle Steele - reader's choice
9.1985: A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller, Jr.
8.1985: And Ladies of the Club by Helen Santmeyer. Nancy & Trudy joined.
7.1985: party  (See invitation from The Archives.)
6.1985: Smart Women by Judy Blume
5.1985: The Awakening by Kate Chopin
4.1985: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Ecco. Only three of us finished this one.
3.1985: Mortal Friends by James Carroll
2.1985: The Dixie Association by Donald Hayes
1.1985: Victory over Japan by Ellen Gilchrist

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