Saturday, December 31, 1994


11.1994: Between Women: Love, Competition and Envy in Woman's Friendships by Louise Eichenbaum and Susi Orbach. No one read this book.
10.1994: Before and After by Rose Ellen Brown
9.1994: The Road to Wellville by T.C. Boyle
8.1994: Pigs in Heaven and The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
7.1994: party at Barbara L.'s house with great food
6.1994: Walking across Egypt by Clyde Edgerton
5.1994: The Book Group Book by Elaine Slezak
4.1994: 1000 Acres by Jane Smiley
3.1994: Grand Opening by Jon Hassler
2.1994: The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende
1.1994: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

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