Friday, December 31, 1999


12.1999: Party and book exchange.
11.1999: The Sweet Potato Queens by Jill Brown. Devis & Sarah dressed the part.
10.1999: Morality Play by Barry Unsworth
9.1999: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
8.1999: Film at the Brew Pub. Never got around to watching the film, as we enjoyed visiting too much.
7.1999: 50th birthday party for Kathy L. at Barbara L.'s
6.1999: Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier
5.1999: A Cup of Tea by Amy Ephron
4.1999: The Reader by Bernhart Schlink
3.1999: Midwives by Chris Bonjalian
2.1999: The Color of Water by James McBride
1.1999: How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez

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