Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 2015

July 9th at 11:30

The Patron Saint of  Red Chevys by Kay Sloan

Themed meal at Barbara's.
Everyone should bring a donation to cover Barbara's expenses.
Review:  Paula

The Patron Saint of  Red Chevys by Kay Sloan
     Farmington Public Library
The Patron Saint of Red Chevies by Kay Sloan
     Fayetteville Public Library

Editorial note: OK, as a librarian, I have to admit that the covers to the right make me absolutely insane.  And the fact that FPL has one spelling in the catalog record and another on the attached image.  (I feel an email coming on!) And that this review has the exact opposite of FPL's problem.  Consistency, people, consistency!  It doesn't matter so much if you spell it correctly or incorrectly, just always spell it the same.  We are not Elizabethans!

For the record, it's spelled Chevys on Kay Sloan's website.

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