Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Vote Is In!

Women of Literatae,

Voting is finished and we have a new slate of books. Thanks to everyone who nominated books and voted!  We had two titles selected that had been nominated previously, and our respect and love for Margot showed through, as both her recommendations were selected.  As always, I'll add the Long List to the link at the top right of the website, so you can check out nominated titles that didn't make the short list. 

Be thinking about the order in which you want to read the books and which one you might be willing to review.  We need to create our upcoming calendar at our meeting on Tuesday. If you want to sign up to host or provide dessert ahead of time, here's the grid.  I'll print it out early Tuesday afternoon so we'll have it to refer to. Hope to see you then!

Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr

The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty

The River by Peter Heller

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby van Pelt

The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese

Madam Fourcade's Secret War by Lynne Olson

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