Tuesday, October 24, 2023

It's That Time Again

Women of Literatae, it's time to choose our next round of books. In order to have another list of titles in the pipeline by the time we meet in November, we need to get started. It seems awfully early, I know, but this will move the voting process out of December when we tend to be so busy.

Step 1 - now through Tuesday, October 31:
Send your titles by email to sakroberson@gmail.com. Titles and authors, reviews if you've got 'em, your own personal comments. But just title & author is fine. I can pull reviews. Want to know if we’ve previously read a particular book? Click on the Literatae Reads by Author & Title at the top right of literatae.blogspot.com.

Ongoing: Rough list of submitted titles available on blog, so you can see what other titles have been submitted as you work on your own submission(s).

Step 2 - by Saturday, November 4:
Slide show with all titles submitted, scratch ballot, and Google form for voting will be posted.

Step 3 - by Saturday, November 11:
Ponder your options & vote using the Google form.

Step 4 - Results posted by Sunday, November 12, but grid up on Saturday, November 4, if you want to volunteer before seeing the titles. I'll tally the votes and send out the results.

My part of this is easy, as long as you send titles by Tuesday, October 31. Please do. Thanks! --Sarah

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